April 17, 2015

BIGBANG Excites Fans for MAY Comeback with New Poster & Concert Trailer!

YG Entertainment officials spoke with media outlets that the new song being performed at BIGBANG's Seoul concert is the first song that will be out on May 1.

When they were asked why their album had been titled 'MADE', YG officials told Star News, "As this is a comeback in a long while, Big Bang had been working on this album with their best effort for a long time. Thus, because it is a new album that has been completed through a course of a long period of time, we decided to title it 'MADE'. 'MADE' is a word that is also used when something great has finally been achieved."

That being said, the boys will be kicking off their world tour 'MADE' starting in Seoul on April 25-26.


Check out their Concert Trailer Below!

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